
New Painting - Sand Shrimp

These creeps have been burrowing through mud flats since the supercontinent Pangea began breaking apart, and the first flowers bloomed. I can find living ones and fossilized ones within 20 miles of each other.

Mud, or sand shrimps are widely regarded as a supurb fishing bait for salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon. A nightmare to keep on a hook, use an egg loop, Miracle Thread or a similar elastic thread.

My reference specimens were dug near Seaside, Oregon, taken home and photographed.

9” X 14” Acrylic on Panel


Above: A Freshly dug, live shrimp, I pumped fresh from a mudflat.

Opposite: Claw parts; carpus, propodus, fixed finger and dactylus of a fossilized shrimp I found along the Columbia River.

Shrimp anatomy and natural history reference -

Lingcod Reference Cast

Molding and casting a lingcod head half cast for reference.

This ling was caught outside of Depot Bay, Oregon in June. The head was removed during filleting, cleaned and bedded in fibre. The mold was cast in paster and cast in fiberglass resin.

The finish, cleaned up with a Dremel, primed and slightly antiqued by dry brushing with acrylic paint.