Borax + water and a lot of drying time yields a pretty nice, do it yourself head mount with a lot of personality. Another nice ling out of Depot Bay, Oregon.
Images on Polaroid film.
Anthony Pedro
Sketch for my acrylic painting, Mojarra Negra.
Pencil on Newsprint
Acrylic on Wood 5” X 7”
I caught this small Starry Flounder while Surfperch fishing. It was hooked deep and wouldn’t have survived if I had released it, so I decided to keep it and make a half cast for reference.
Cleaned and dried.
Placed in bedding material to midline.
Plaster negative dried and sealed.
Resin positive.
Towards the end of last duck season I shot a very nice Hooded Merganser drake. I made made an alginate mold and poured plaster. The result was a finely detailed, beautiful cast, cleaned up, primed and antiqued with oil paint.
I started this painting of a drake Harlequin Duck that I abandoned because it wasn’t coming together as I had hoped. I still like the ducks gesture, and maybe one day I’ll give it another go.
A uniquely handsome bird, the Harlequin duck is found along the rocky shores and crashing waves of both N. American coasts.
Acrylic on Panel
10” X 10”
Logo commissioned by the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society for their 2019 Annual Meeting in Bend, Oregon.
12” X 12”
Acrylic on Illustration Board
A pair of paintings for the same client.
Bull Reticulated Giraffe
Acrylic on Panel
Reference - Desi, a 10’ male giraffe living at the Oregon Zoo
Naked Mole Rat
10” X 10”
Acrylic on Panel
Reference - Naked mole rat’s at the Oregon Zoo.
Carefully bred spotted horses called Appaloosas were named after the Palouse River that runs through the traditional land of the Nez Perce.
8” X 10” Acrylic on Panel
A selection of watercolors from my artists residency in Mexico.