A drake Hooded Merganser, printed using black oil based ink on Yasutomo Rice Paper from a cut block of linoleum.
The Print.
9 1/2” X 13” Black Oil Based Ink on Rice Paper
The Cut Block
A drake Hooded Merganser, printed using black oil based ink on Yasutomo Rice Paper from a cut block of linoleum.
The Print.
9 1/2” X 13” Black Oil Based Ink on Rice Paper
The Cut Block
Towards the end of last duck season I shot a very nice Hooded Merganser drake. I made made an alginate mold and poured plaster. The result was a finely detailed, beautiful cast, cleaned up, primed and antiqued with oil paint.
I started this painting of a drake Harlequin Duck that I abandoned because it wasn’t coming together as I had hoped. I still like the ducks gesture, and maybe one day I’ll give it another go.
The Surf Scoter is frequently seen “scooting” through the surf, and diving beneath breaking waves. It has a large oddly shaped bill. It’s appearance and habitat preference makes it one of my favorites to see along the coast.
Black ink on chip board.